Black Nightshade or Wonder Berry

Solanum Nigrum: Black Nightshade 

“The leaves and tender shoots are boiled in the same way as spinach and are eaten in many parts of India . . . The berries, when ripe, are often eaten by children and are sometimes used for preparing pies and preserves.”
—Chopra, Badhwar, and Ghosh, 1965, p. 670.

Black Nightshade Chutney

In pan heat oil and add 1 teaspoon of urad dahl, gram dahl, 3 chilli's and fry until dahl turns brown. 
Add 2 cloves of garlic and half an onion. 
After a minute add 2 cups of black nightshade with salt and a tablespoon of coconut.
Fry for another minute and leave to cool before blending. 
